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Secret Secret...I've Got a Secret!

I've been ready to burst with a secret that I've had for a couple months now. No baby news yet; that's still (hopefully) about a month off. But I have been working on a collaboration that's been a true labor of love, and it's time that I told you some of what I've been working on.

This June, I'm the featured designer for KnitCrate's CrochetCrate!!

The name may be KnitCrate and, of course, they have knit-focused subscriptions, but they also have a special, crochet-specific crate that is truly one of a kind. It's made especially for crocheters with crochet patterns. I've received other subscriptions in the past where you receive both crochet and knit patterns (usually one of each), but this subscriptions focuses solely on the lovely art of crochet.

With their CrochetCrate, subscribers receive two skeins of incredibly gorgeous yarn (YUM!), 2 crochet patterns (yes...2!!), a bonus extra item (YAY!), additional promo codes for savings (WOOT!), and KnitCrate points good for money off their online store (YEEE!!). all ships for free WORLDWIDE!!!

All this for $44.95 per month. An incredible price when you consider that the shipping is free!

And I have an extra special treat for everyone!! Use the coupon code YARNGERIE20 at checkout and receive 20% off your first box. That means, if you go to KnitCrate's site right now and order a CrochetCrate before they sell out for June, you'll save 20% on your first box AND you'll get 2 amazing patterns designed by yours truly to go with the fabulous yarn that's included.

OH!!! The Patterns!!!!!!!!!

I promised KnitCrate that I would wait a few more days to reveal the details about my two designs since I don't want to spoil the fun for subscribers who want to be surprised. I can tell you this much, though.

As I mentioned, the CrochetCrate has two patterns: one is a beginner pattern and the second is an intermediate/advanced pattern.

The patterns use some of my favorite techniques and stitches.

Um...what else can I tell you at this point...hmmm...

That's really all I can say about that right now. You'll have to wait about a week for more details from me.

About the yarn...I can't say too much about that either...but if I had to tell you one word that may add excitement, it's this:


Another thing I can tell you is that the color is a true show stopper. I had to spend some time working on the samples while taking my mom to physical therapy for her knee, and each time I worked on them, I had -- no joke -- at least 5-10 people stop and comment about the color. This box's featured dyer has so much to be proud of with this amazing yarn.

Treat yourself! Order KnitCrate's CrochetCrate today and don't forget to use the coupon code YARNGERIE20 at checkout to receive 20% off your first box.

A HUGE thank you to the KnitCrate team for being so awesome to work with. It's such an honor and joy to have my designs featured in your CrochetCrate box.

I hope the subscribers love my designs with this box as much as I do! I'll be checking in with KnitCrate on Ravelry and, as always, if there is ever a question or if you need pattern help with my designs, I'm reachable at aheemai on Ravelry.

After the baby arrives and I finish the Christening gown, I'll be making the patterns again :)

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